Objects Directory
Put your digital collection items’ files in this folder! By default, the CollectionBuilder-GH template looks for collection objects in this folder.
This template comes with four demo objects as examples (.jpg, .pdf, and .mp3).
CollectionBuilder-GH is designed for learning with small collections. Since you will be committing these objects into a GitHub repository, and there are no access derivatives generated, there is some limitations and guidelines to follow.
- File size: since there are no thumbnails generated, keep your object files at a reasonable size for access on the web. This means you will usually not be using your full resolution versions! For example, jpeg images of about 1200px wide and PDFs less than 1 MB will work well. Larger objects (especially images) will slow load times and make your users download unnecessarily large data–so keep them to a web friendly size!
- Total size: GitHub repositories have soft limits on total size, some where around 1 GB. A good rule of thumb is to keep your “objects” folder less than 500 MB.
- Filenaming: to avoid issues, please pay close attention to filenaming conventions! The filename should be an all lowercase unique string with no spaces or special characters. Underscores (
) are okay. You will use the exact filenames to populate the “filename” field of your collection metadata.
Note: CB-GH is great for learning and prototyping–all your configuration and metadata template is transferable to other CollectionBuilder templates. If you are building a larger collection or featuring larger objects, you will run into its limitations–try using a smaller subset of your collection and smaller size images for your prototype, then migrate to the fully featured template later! Other CollectionBuilder templates enable generating derivatives and hosting objects outside of GitHub.